Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Xbox 360 Chance Number 2

Yea, it's not Revolution information, but there isn't any right now, and possibly none for a while... Although we all love news of other systems, and Microsoft still has that new system! Many of you know about my experience camping out at Best Buy back on launch day for the Xbox 360, and that due to line cutters and all this misorganization and problems, I was about 5 people short. That time I camped out 8 and a half hours, starting at 1:30 in the morning. Well as many of you now know, Best Buy is getting the next shipment this weekend and I will be camping once again! 13 hours starting at 9pm. Crazy? Probably... Gonna get a 360? I think so! This time it shouldn't be raining, and I'll truly be camping, I'm bringing a whole tent deal and everything. I'll find a way to blog from there for live updates. I just have to find a different way than last time through my cell phone sending text messages to blogger. Does anyone have any ideas? I have a laptop with a cord to hook up my cell phone to get some good speed internet, but my laptop's battery is terrible and barely lasts even 10 minutes. I doubt theres a plug outside Best Buy I can use... Any ideas anyone?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

so... ???

what happened ?

... :P

1:05 AM  
Blogger ElChibo said...

Does a whole lotta nothing validate as an answer? haha

My problem was that I wasn't allowed to go by myself, and I had to atleast go with a friend, cause Im only 17 and my mom dosnt want me going by myself. I was all ready to go with my friend, wed been planning for about a week, then the day before the campout, on friday, there was a shooting at a movie theatre in a shopping center that was only a mile away from the Best Buy we were going to camp out at. This sorta thing NEVER happens in that area of where I live, and the killer had no person-specific motive, and fled on foot and not caught. This got everyone freaked out and scared, and both me and my friend werent allowed to go from our parents. Then on saturday when I called Best Buy (I found out bout the killer after they closed on Friday), they said not too worry cause they would have all sorts of security all around all night, so then my mom would let me go. I couldn't get a hold of my friend to tell him bout the security so his mom would maybe let him go, but when I got a hold of him much later, he said that she knew bout all the security, but still wouldn't let him go after about 3 hours of arguing over it. Then none of my other friends were either able to do it, or wanted to. So that's my whole 360 story campout #2.

6:41 AM  

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