Thursday, January 19, 2006

Following Revolution Podcast Episode 005

It's up! It's finally up! What is the big surprise you ask? AMAZING AUDIO QUALITY!!! No more ear bleeds and mind-numbing pain from that terrible audio quality. I finally went out and bought a Logitech USB Desktop Microphone, which I have seen to be reccomended for podcasters. It's great having it USB with no required drivers. Henry is also back for the show! We even have tons and tons of questions to answer for our listeners. Listen up now!

Following Revolution Podcast Episode 005


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well just finished watching yalls podcast. I loved it and yall answered all my questions. Sweet.

Now to answer my own questions and your responses, I also think that Revolution will do well. This is how I see it. PS3 #1, Revo a close second, and X360 a far behind 3rd. The PS3 will definetly lose a lot of ground but still retain first. Revo will gain that lost ground almost enough to pass it but just miss it. An X360 will do apsolutely no gaining. Oh and the DS is revolutionary. It has added things to gaming that we have never seen before in gaming and has changed the handheld market. That is why the DS has been owning the PSP. DS is innovative and original but the PSP is just the same old thing.

Now for Xenias and Guts N Glory. Ok for one you mispronounced Xenias, but hard to explain how to say it but I'm not going to get picky. Now my take on Xenias is that it is fake and real at the same time. Now I know that sounds odd but what if I told you the Xenias the concept is real but the name is fake. Didn't think about that one. Well I think that the concept is real but will be called Neptune 4 and made by Retro Studios and release in 2009. Xenias is more than we give it credit for but I'll send you a link to where I get this info. And yes Xenias is a game.

Sorry you have never heard about Guts N Glory but I'll explain. Guts N Glory is a supposed game made by the new company called Zoonami. Zoonami was founded by Martin Hollis who used to work for Rare. He made good games called Perfect Dark and Goldeneye 007.

Now for the game Guts N Glory arose on the idea when Gamespy made an interview with Martin Hollis and he announced the game. Unluckily I can't send you a link to this interview cause I have lost it. But the interview has never been proven real and if you contact Gamespy or Zoonami they say it is fake.

But to counteract that if it was real and leaked through then they would deny it really. But about the game it is supposed to be a game that is basically so real to life that it will have 98% realness. Basically the physics and emotions will be as real as possible. It is about a guy during the Cold War and lives in Russia and you play as him going throug his life as being a Spy for Russia in the Cold War.

10:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now continuing I do believe the X360 is okay but nothing special. I refer to it as the Xbox 1.5 cause it is nothing different. Graphics does not make it next-gen. If MS doesn't want to work to make a true next-gen system by improving and innovating then they might as well just get out of the wars now and leave it to veterans such as Nintendo and Sony.

And finally I do think that gaming is in need of a Revolution. Statistics say that game sales are declinging everywhere. Gaming is not solid anymore. People are bored with games and are tired of confusing controllers. This must be changed or gaming will go away. Gaming needs a change or declines will keep going until gaming is dead. But we are already seeing it with the DS. The DS's new way of playing makes game overral more innovative making the games better. You are already seeing its effects on gaming. The DS basically saved gaming this year actually giving gaming for the first time in awhile of having sale surpluses. Expect that and more from the Revo.

Oh and I do believe that a visor is coming. Did you know that Nintendo could mass produce the visor from Nintendo ON for $100 each. That is very possible.

WEll I loved the podcast and was just fantastic. Thanks for answering all my questions to the fullest. I'll be sure to post more content and watch your next podcast.

10:28 PM  
Blogger ElChibo said...

thanks for the feedback! yea start leaving questions and topics for episode 6. Since episode 5 was a little late, episode 6 will probably be less than a week after ep 5 and possibly on our normal sunday schedule. as for the xenias, would you mind explaining out the whole concept again, or just get that link out there. I never learned much of it, but I guess its worth checking out more. As for the 360 not being anything new, I used to also call it the Xbox 1.5, but now that I own it, I can truly say that it is definately the 360 and the next step up from xbox. surely its no revolution in gaming, but in its own path it is in a way. The simplicity of gaming along with so many conveniences really enhances the gaming experience. Being able to access the dashboard during anygame instantly is perfect. Don't like the licensed tracks in a game like THAW? Plug in your iPod or other MP3 device and play your own tracks. It reads all playlists, songs, pictures, and more if you have media center on your PC. The wireless controller really is great compared to past controllers, even the wavebird. Being able to turn on and off the system with the controller is great, even though Rev will be able to, 360 did it first. XBLive arcade is actually great, and even though not as good as virutal console, its now, and its still great. The online is so perfect on 360. Theres never any problems, unless you have a messed up internet connection, theres almost never any lag even in games like DOA4. You can be waiting your turn for a fight in DOA4, pull up your dashboard, and leave positive feedback for a person you just fought or chatted with to help raise their rep which they will probably do the same to you. find someone online u wanna face later? pull up the guide and add them as a friend by highlighting them and pressing a button. the system even remembers every person youve faced online, for many people, im guessing around 50-100 people, what game you faced them in, and how long ago. With your friends, you can always find out what game they are playing, and even send them game invites right from your game. And the HD. Oh the HD is nice. 360 really is a step above the norm, especially if you own DOA4 ;)

10:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would be really hard for me to rexplain Xenias and Guts N Glory real quick. I mean just so much to both of the rumors.

Now were I get the Guts N Glory rumors is from a forum where this guy claims he gets info from a guy who works for Zoonami. Now usually I wouldn't believe bullshit like this but if you look at the sure detail in this you might just change your mind about everything.

Look at all the topics that say Email and something behind it. And look at the one that says new game Guts N Glory for Nintendo Revo. And start from Email 1 because you have to understand it from the beginning. Now I know it is very long emails but really good reads. The supposed dev even gives final dev kits. So check it out here.

Incredible stuff. Now on that forum we are trying to figure out if he is real or not but still a trial. the guy on there said his source sent him pics of some of the games and we want him to relay those to us. So when those come I'll definetly relay it to you.

Maybe you should do a post on this on your own blogsite.

8:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Xbox2pi... i love it. Readians kick degrees' ass

11:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

^^ sorry bout the typo

11:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zan (or was it siggy, can't remember) was right

gta sucks

12:56 AM  
Blogger ElChibo said...

i believe it was siggy (henry). i personally dont like it when ppl say its bad just cause of its violence. its just that type of game. plenty of movie are violent. the gameplay, story, control, depth, and everything else is amazing with san andreas. i did not like gta3, but it was good as a step to what would later be great. vice city was pretty good, maybe like 7.5/10, but san andreas gets the 9.5/10.

12:59 AM  

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