Tuesday, July 12, 2005

IBM Finds A New Home For Its Power PC Processor

After Apple announced that they are switching to Intel processors, what was IBM and the Power PC processor supposed to do? We knew that the XBOX 360 was using a Power PC processor, we've seen the Power PC processor in the GameCube, and we figured that the chances of Revolution using a Power PC processor were almost certain but here it is right here confirmed from IBM in this article:


I've seen a recent article before on this with the new Power PCs that are multiple cores and that use low power to run. Well Revolution is aiming to low power requirements. One thing to notice is that people seem to be confused thinking that Revolution will use a dual core of these processors, being the same as the X360. It did not say this is the processor it is using, but that it will be Power PC. It could have 2 or more cores. It SERIOUSly could have 4.


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