It's Been A Long 10 Years, But Nintendo Is Back!
After 10 years of boycotting the event, Nintendo will be at the Tokyo Game Show this year! They won't have a booth though, or anything playable, but Iwata will be giving a keynote. I found this information in the following post from the Nintendo Forums:
According to Famitsu magazine's website, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata will discuss the current state of the game industry and its future at the 2005 Tokyo Game Show. His speech will take place at 11:00 AM on September 17.
Even though Iwata will be speaking at TGS, Nintendo will NOT show off any upcoming games or even have a booth at this year's expo. It is currently unknown if Iwata will reveal any new information on Revolution, or any games, during his speech. Why would he want to speak if he's not showing anything?
Even though Iwata will be speaking at TGS, Nintendo will NOT show off any upcoming games or even have a booth at this year's expo. It is currently unknown if Iwata will reveal any new information on Revolution, or any games, during his speech. Why would he want to speak if he's not showing anything?
source: weekly famitsu magazine and
in case you didn't know TGS has been boycotted by Nintendo since the debut of the N64 replaced by Spaceworld. Now not only are they coming back but Iwata is wanting to give the keynote. The perfect Time to release the Controller to the public? Time will tell. But as the end of the year draws closer and Spaceworld a no show since 2001 I think it's VERY possible.
Why on earth would he want to talk about the future at a show he isn't even setting up a nintendo booth at? My theory is and don't quote me on this *looks around shofty-eyed* *whispers* he's gonna talk about the Revolution *end-whisper*
could anyone tellme wtf is this?
(yeah its mario... but???)
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