Thursday, November 24, 2005

Does Nintendo Envision A World With No Online Identity?

I was on the Nintendo Forums recently and I had noticed that I receieved the following Private Message:

Hi there. I noticed your sig reveals your MKDS name. Unfortunately, we've been told that you cannot even reveal that much info. I'd like to request that you please remove that. Thank you.
From: Moderator MUKU

I sent him a reply PM to that as follows:

your kidding me right? its so ppl kno if they race "ElChibo" that theyr racing me. its not a friend code, u cant use it to search for me or anything
many peoples forums nicknames are theyr MKDS name, its just that i made this nickname up after i signed up for the forums
are people supposed to black out theyr usernames?
im sorry but if this is nintendo's vision of online gaming, not having any idea of who you are racing, even amongst theyr own forum community, this is not the way to go. I respect the friend code privacy, but usernames? sorry but I first want a specific reason of why we shouldnt give out our usernames, espeically when half the people are by having their forum ID the same as their MKDS name.

We have already been band from sharing our Friend Codes through sigs, through message posts, and even PM's! Now they are trying to take away our Usernames? The simple online racing is cool, but what's the use if you never have any clue of who you're racing, except for the 5 or so people you may have on your friends list that you have met in real life. Believe it or not, people have friends online from talking for years over AIM or message boards, and not allowing them to see each other's usernames on these forums is down right terrible. If Nintendo Revolution's WFC is anything like this, that will be TERRIBLE.


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