Friday, January 27, 2006

Oh How We Have Grown

Ever since the early July 7th 2005 launch of Following Revolution, my site has grown leaps and bounds. Back in the early days I would normally get around 20 or so hits a day, with occasional big spikes around big times in the games industry. During the craziness of SeriousGamer when I set out to sift out the truth, once my blog got a link on the Revolution Rumor's blog, we spiked to about 300-400 visits a day, although it only lasted for about a week, slowing down to 40-50 hits a day. My next big break was The Tokyo Game Show. With great coverage on the Revolution controller, along with a huge album of pics with high rez snaps from games such as Sonic The Hedgehog and Metal Gear Solid 4, the blog jumped to abouta steady 200 a day if I can recall correctly, although lasting only for about two weeks. Yesterday marked a new milestone for Following Revolution which was the announcement of the DS Lite. I made sure to stay close on the news going through different news sites finding all the important information about it, and bringing it to one place for our viewers. After I made the video of the DS Lite model, I finally got my link on Joystiq, an extremely popular gaming blog which I read about 20 times a day, and submit tips to all the time. This is the first time a tip has ever made it onto their blog, and since the launch of the story about 5 hours ago, I have received around 1400 visits and counting. My visits only count from the homepage though, and Joystiq only had a direct link to the story page. This means those 1500 people actually went to look further into my site and going to the homepage. From the mass amount of visits gained by the Joystiq post, it now accounts for about 10% of all visits Following Revolution has had since the July debut. This just shows the kind of great content we offer and the interest in can spark in many. Since the launch I have also hired a new blogger for the site earlier this month, Siggy, who you have heard in the podcast. He's only had one post so far, and he won't post much, but some is better than none. We have also launched and set up a popular podcast featuring me and my 2 friends, Zan (Schiz0id) and Henry (Siggy). For any newcomers, just believe people with what they say about the site. We don't have many hardcore fans of the blog, but with who we do have, such as Lynx stating just how awesome we are, I believe we can attract many more hardcore fans. Just to assure you, Following Revolution isn't going away. The Following Revolution Podcast isn't going away. I will try my best to provide the most important of information along with special exclusives you can't get anywhere else. Come on everyone, spread the word, let's ALL FOLLOW REVOLUTION!!!


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