Survey On The Insight Of Gamers
I will soon be opening a new website, covering all video games, and ever having more in-depth looks at games. I am now preparing an article on the overall trends of a general gamer, but I need you help. Please fill out this survey. To fill it out, just put the answers in as a comment (and you don't need an account to comment, and you can stay anonymous for all you who don't want people to know how old you are or what not lol. If you for some reason do not want to fill it out by comment, you can email your answers to
Do You Own A Nintendo GameCube?
Do You Own A Sony Playstation 2?
Do You Own An Xbox?
Do You Plan To Buy An Xbox360?
Do You Favor The Xbox360, Revolution, or PS3 other the others, and if so which?
Do You Own A Nintendo DS?
Do You Own A Sony PSP?
Are You Male or Female?
How Old Are You?
About How Many Hours A Week Do You Play Video Games?
Are You Opposed To Violence And Sex In Games?