Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Office Rumors

More information from Exposing The Revolution's blog. The writer has heard some other things from around work that may be real, or could be fake. One of them though caught my attention which seems possible. It is that there may be a keyboard and mouse controller, both to work with Nintendo's "Lifestyle" software. It is aimed specifically at non-gamers to include things such as a word processor, web browser, video and music players, chat program, and more. This would be great if you could buy it sort of like a game/OS software, where to use it, you need to have a disc in for it, but for video information you could stream it over a wireless connection off your computer so there would still be no need for a hard drive. All of this together would certainly help the idea of all-access gaming, making the Revolution attract anyone. If this was real, it would be really nice to have,

Revolution Exposed?

A new blog has made its way to the net and it goes by the name of Exposing The Revolution. Its been around for some time, but I've never actually taken a good look at it. After reading more, this guy seems to know a lot about the controller. He has even seen a tech demo of it. Now his description of the controller is much more like a GameCube controller, and very different from the controller that SeriousGamer has talked about, along with the scans out of a magazine. Imagine a GameCube controller, move the Z to below the R button, and make it a trigger, and add one on the right. Buttons ABXY are still very similar, except that the shape is just barely different. The C Stick is replaced with a trackball, which I guess we could call the C ball. The main analog stick is lower down, and larger which sounds more like the DualShock 2's analog, which sounds a lot better. He also then adds that the controllers will be chargable through the GameCube controller ports. There will be gyro technology in the controller. Haptic feedback is also there as well. After reading it, I'm confused though if there is pressure sensitivity though, like how hard you squeeze the controller or something. Read about everything at his blog. I added a link to it on the right side of this page.

What I think about it? I was starting to think that the other controller floating around was real, but this one seems to make more sense. It would most likely be cheaper to make, easier to pick up and play, and more. Only thing that it looks like it would take getting used to playing N64 games on it, unless they make the Z triggers in the back correct, which I'm sure they would. After all, I have a GameCube to USB converter to use my GC controller on my computer, and with even old NES emulators, I like using the analog to control them and have no problem with it. I just like the addition of a D-Pad for some rare occasions of wanting, but also a nice way of adding four more buttons.

Take It Down A Serious Notch

SeriousGamer posted again not long ago and he's goin freickin' nuts. Now he's unleashing the flames against Ken Kutaragi and Bill Gates against the PS3 and X360. Everytime SeriousGamer over hypes or starts flaming, it makes it seem less real. If he does work with Nintendo, is this the image we want? Iwata made it seem we're taking a different route than PS3 and X360, which Serious is just all about going after PS3 and X360 pummeling them into the ground. I don't want this image related to Nintendo. Just because I like GameCube the best, and almost certainly will like Revolution the best, dosn't mean I don't like the PS3 and X360. Every system has their strong points while the other fills in another's negatives. Serious is making sound like we need a one console market, aka only Nintendo. We need a three system market. Either Revolution, PS3, and X360, or you could take out the 360 and add a new Sega system, haha.

Serious Texture

SeriousGamer has posted a new pic of the texture quality Revolution can do. Seems like it could be from anywhere though, but who knows.

He also posted some more Revolution crazy hyping, but nothing else we havn't seen before.

Japan Always Knows Before Us...

Goldeneye64 on the Nintendo Forums posted recently some pictures from a magazine that his friend had gotten in Japan. The crazy thing is... it's a Revolution, with a controller! It's the same controller SeriousGamer leaked out a while ago but only said it was a prototype, but this is the same thing, slightly redesigned. And the headset looks awesome, and then theres that same picture of the visor we've seen before.

What to think of these? It's quite confusing. The headset, the visor, they look kinda computer generated along with the controller. But the controller is the same "leak" we had with SeriousGamer, but slightly redesigned as he said it would. Plus it didn't come from the internet supposevly.

Shigeru Gets Serious

SeriousGamer posted something new today, here it is as follows:

The Dawn of a New Era draws Closer

What if, on a crowded street, you look up and see something appear that should not, given what we know, be there. You either shake your head and dismiss it, or you accept that there is much more to the world than we think. Perhaps it really is a doorway to another place. If you choose to go inside you may find many unexpected things.

Shigeru Miyamoto
posted by KingofGamers

A message from Shigeru Miyamoto? I havn't heard of this in any new articles, so meaning he would have had to say this to SeriousGamer or someone with him possibly in an N-Game? It does sound like something that crazy Miyamoto would say though. But we need more sources. After all I could say something like, "The Revolution as you saw at E3 was only to decieve you as we will not even make a new console." -Shigeru Miyamoto. Do we know thats fake though? Of course.

We Don't Need No Stinkin' Buttons

Article From IGN

In this article, it talks about another article published in London's The Guardian, which deatures Iwata talking about the Revolution controller. He says that controllers nowadays feature too many buttons and sticks to appeal to people who don't normally play games. With such complication, it's possible that these people won't play games at all.

Sure this applies ok to non-gamers? But I thought Nintendo is going for an all-access gaming needing to get back to the true hardcore gamers, who I would think want some more buttons and sticks (analog) for the best control possible. Perhaps the "leaked" Revolution controller by SeriousGamer is right, it could feature only a few buttons with a d-pad, or analog with tons of buttons all on the same controller. Surely you need different controls for different gamers. With customization like that, they could even appeal to the left-handed gamers that DS now sometimes has functionality for as you can switch functionality of ABXY and the D-Pad.

IBM Finds A New Home For Its Power PC Processor

After Apple announced that they are switching to Intel processors, what was IBM and the Power PC processor supposed to do? We knew that the XBOX 360 was using a Power PC processor, we've seen the Power PC processor in the GameCube, and we figured that the chances of Revolution using a Power PC processor were almost certain but here it is right here confirmed from IBM in this article:


I've seen a recent article before on this with the new Power PCs that are multiple cores and that use low power to run. Well Revolution is aiming to low power requirements. One thing to notice is that people seem to be confused thinking that Revolution will use a dual core of these processors, being the same as the X360. It did not say this is the processor it is using, but that it will be Power PC. It could have 2 or more cores. It SERIOUSly could have 4.