Could Pictochat Be Online Soon?
Can I chat online? |
Not all games will contain a chat feature. Each individual game developer determines if chat will be in the game and how it will operate.
Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection games that contain a chat feature will work as follows: "Open" chat is allowed between friends who have exchanged Friend Codes. "Closed" chat is available during "Stranger” or "Rival” play. "Closed" chat means you can select from a set of phrases to send to an opponent but you may not type whatever you want.
One of the great features of the Nintendo DS is Pictochat, which allows players to chat using the local wireless mode of the system. At this time, Pictochat is not a feature of the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. Keep checking for news of any future uses of the Pictochat feature.
This means that there is a strong possibility for pictochat to be fully online in the future. Lets hope it becomes true!