Wednesday, February 01, 2006

We Need Content For Episode 007 Of The Podcast, And We Have A New Idea...

Since episode 006 is finally up, we need your content suggestions and questions for episode 007! You should have some time to submit, as I will be completely busy this upcoming weekend and won't be able to record a podcast. We might be able to record one sometime during the week though, so don't slack off too much!

Here is my idea. I want to try it once, do a completely uncut podcast, hear how it reall sounds. If a phone rings, we won't cut it out. If someone walks in on us, we won't cut it out. It would be like you're actually there! But this could be something not too big perhaps, but I want to add one thing to enhance the "live-style" uncut episode, and I would like to have a live call-in. While we are recording, we call you up, and you're part of our show! This definately wouldn't be a weekly thing, but it would be cool to try out once, and possibly try again later if it turns out good. Here's the problem though, how would you suggest we record the phone call as we are doing the show? We use an external microphone and record it on my laptop using Audacity. To avoid charges to the caller, we would make the call, and though I have free long-distance at my house, Zan dosn't I believe, and that is where we record. Although we do all have cell phones, and that is long-distance free. Would you suggest we just have the cell phone on speakerphone, and see if the microphone picks it up? I would think it would, its a very good microphone, with good sensitivity with according settings. We would obviously try out some tests first, but if you are interested in calling in, just leave a comment anywhere!

Following Revolution Podcast Episode 006

Finally we got episode 6 up! The show is shorter than normal, but sometimes the hour and ten minute times can get a little long. Sorry if theres not as much content as normal, but all of us have been quite busy recently, although I now introduce the news flash segment, bringing to you the news that matters at lightning fast speeds!

Download Here

Podcast Delay

I'm very sorry that the podcast isn't up yet, even though I said in a comment last night that it would be up by about 6:30 this morning, well I put the final touches on it this morning, and seeing that I'm saving the final MP3 now which takes about 8 minutes, and I have to leave for school in about 15-20 minutes, there would be no time at all to get it uploaded and posted in time. I even woke up extra early to try and get it done haha. But this means the podcast and post-production is done, and it will be uploaded right when I get home from school sometime in the 2:45pm ET area, so it shouldn't be later than 3:30pm just incase. Look for the podcast then!

Also it has been brought to my attention that you can no longer download old episodes off of iTunes. I think I found out the problem, and I will be fixing it sometime later today.