Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The Dreamcast 360!

Now now it's not a new system, but a very interesting idea. It has been rumored (it may have been official, but I can't remember) that Sega and Microsoft are teaming up to revive Dreamcast games onto the 360 through the Xbox Live Arcade. We knew this arcade was goin places, but this is huge! They would release ports of these games for you to download at around $10 each online to download to your hard drive. This would be great to relive classics like Soul Calibur, Crazy Taxi, Sonic Adv. games, Power Stone, Marvel vs Capcom, and more! Even though a lot of these games have already been made for other systems, not all have. If they are given the 360 treatment like Xbox games, and have a smart resizer filter to stretch em to HD size, added a filter like 2xsai type, and make em widescreen, this would be great! If they were online, even better! I would love some online Power Stone or Marvel vs Capcom. This would be an amazing move for the 360 and Sega. I hope it happenes!

Music, Internet, GameCubes, and More Revolution, Oh My!

Nintendo sure isn't about to be left in the dust with the "all-in-one" devices Sony and Microsoft are making in the industry. The PSP can play movies and music, and browse the internet, the 360 can do all sorts of internet communication, and more. Reggie sure isn't about to let Nintendo be left in the dust. Yesterday 1up talked about how they interviewed the Regginator recently, and he had went on record saying you will be able to play music on your GameBoy, browse the web on your DS, that you shouldn't toss your GameCube just yet, and that there is infact something big about the Revolution that we don't know. This is all great stuff, knowning that they might finally bring the play-yan to the states, and perhaps the old V-Pocket thing for DS that could feature a web browser. Why shouldn't we throw out our GameCubes? Well because it's a good system haha, but perhaps meaning Zelda TP is in fact for the GameCube like previously said. What could the final piece of the Revolution puzzle be? A microphone? I wonder what it could be....
For the whole article, you gotta buy the next issue of EGM which should be in newstands next week. I'll buy an issue for sure.

Disrupting Development

It was announced today (like it was 1 year ago for GDC 05) that Satoru Iwata will be delivering the Nintendo keynote, as titled this year, "Disrupting Developement." This is good to have confirmation that the keynote will be delivered by him, and not anyone else. The topics are told to be Brain Age, N WFC, and Revolution. It will be March 23rd and 10:30, and will last one hour long.