Thursday, July 07, 2005

Nintendo ON: Behind The Castle

One of the most convincing parts of the Nintendo ON video is the use of the Mario 64 castle. I had always thought that it was the same castle, and the camera movements, but I became to think, maybe they werent the same? So here we go with another Following Revolution exclusive: Nintendo ON: Behind The Castle. I have gotten ahold of a video of Mario 64 from a speed run that was in no way altered, and the Mario 64 castle section of the Nintendo ON video. I popped em into Adobe Premiere Pro and made it into a dual video. You can download the video here:


You can tell which is the real Mario 64 for it has a Lakitu in it. You can tell the audio is different and doesn't match up with the scene because I left both audios in playing at the same time and you can hear certain parts repeat and play off key. This is mistake number one. Another noticeable part is when the camera gets closer to the ground, you can see that the real Mario 64 enviroment is bigger, and the trees are spaced further apart. Next is that the whole camera movement is all off, its not the same at all like I, along with many others, had thought. Finally, look closely at the castle, I looked mainly at the bricks, they dont match up, and some dimensions look slightly different (please note that the Mario 64 clip is a little stretched). I'm amazed at the texture similarity. This was done almost to perfection.

So it turns out it wasn't the same. Other people argue that, what about the NES commercial!? That's not hard to get. It looks like it was taken off a VHS tape. Plus I remember a site out there where you can download old game commercials, I just don't remember the address. Even still though, the rest of the video is still professional extreme. Even to recreate the Mario 64 scene that well. Either the Nintendo ON video has an importance in the N-Game, or the guy did not make this in a week. I'm not sure what to think now.

Getting Right Down To The Information 2 - Someone has some explaining to do

Heres the rest of the converstion:

VIRGOGRGN: the revolution is coming...
MarkKorsak83088: whos this? someone from the forums?
VIRGOGRGN: my name is virgo
MarkKorsak83088: are you working with nintendo? a 3rd part company?
MarkKorsak83088: like what are your sources
VIRGOGRGN: i work for the revolution
MarkKorsak83088: meaning the department in Nintendo who is creating the new system?
MarkKorsak83088: or a fan of the Revolution pushing its popularity to prosper amongst the next systems?
VIRGOGRGN: maybe both....maybe now the lines are blurred
MarkKorsak83088: well what do you know about the Revolution?
VIRGOGRGN: here's a better question...what do you want to know about the revolution?
MarkKorsak83088: Price
VIRGOGRGN: price has not yet been decided, my friend....for we are still a year from the revolution truely coming
MarkKorsak83088: Any estimate on the release date? Perhaps March 2006 is correct?
VIRGOGRGN: perhaps
MarkKorsak83088: well to your knowledge, what is the release date?
VIRGOGRGN: after the PS3 for sure...but other than that....i cant say
MarkKorsak83088: How much different will the final Revolution look from the prototype shown at E3? And about how much smaller/lighter?
VIRGOGRGN: smaller...easy to carry around...
MarkKorsak83088: Maybe with a handle like the GameCube? or keeping with the box look
MarkKorsak83088: hello?
virgoGRGN: no way
MarkKorsak83088: haha, good
MarkKorsak83088: any information on what Miyamoto's new franchise will be?
MarkKorsak83088: or any new franchise by Nintendo?
virgoGRGN: a game about life...
MarkKorsak83088: a clone of another game? like The Sims, or Spore? or some crazy original Miyamoto thing
virgoGRGN: what do you think he would do?
MarkKorsak83088: crazy original lol
MarkKorsak83088: now it was told at the E3 PC that "he is challenging his team to create something brand new, his newest creation is set to debut with Revolution." Does this refer to the new game franchise? Or something like an acessory, perhaps a visor?
MarkKorsak83088: he as in being Miyamoto
virgoGRGN: perhaps an accessory for a new type of game?
MarkKorsak83088: like a visor?
MarkKorsak83088: or in other words, will there be a visor with the system?
virgoGRGN: maybe...or maybe something to get the feeling of the game?
MarkKorsak83088: with haptic feedback technology?
MarkKorsak83088: or will the haptic feedback be his creation, but there will also be a visor/helmet, some kind of viewing device on your head
virgoGRGN: maybe something like that....but maybe something no one has thought of
MarkKorsak83088: what about Nintendo ON? Did Nintendo create it? It seems way too professional
MarkKorsak83088: no one could recreate the castle/camera views without the lakitu in the way, and follow the camera further
MarkKorsak83088: you cant hack a rom to get that
MarkKorsak83088: and Nintendo could have it on file from the creation of Mario 64
virgoGRGN: it is very professional...
MarkKorsak83088: I dont see how it is possible for a single person, no matter how skilled, could do it in a matter of a week
MarkKorsak83088: Is it part of the N-Game?
virgoGRGN: perhaps
MarkKorsak83088: Is Aries real?
MarkKorsak83088: whether he is Reggie, or someone else from the inside
virgoGRGN: he is real..but all that he says may not be
MarkKorsak83088: now you seem to say perhaps or wiggle your way around the answers of questions. I am in no way doubting you, but what do you know is real that has not already been officially announced?
virgoGRGN: the controller...will be two parts..but not in the way everyone thinks
MarkKorsak83088: how will it be two parts?
virgoGRGN: think about part part feeling...
MarkKorsak83088: well then weres the one part controlling? I could understand 2 parts as in controller and visor
MarkKorsak83088: but vision is in all system, and is not a controller
MarkKorsak83088: you cant control with your eyes
virgoGRGN: but with your head?
MarkKorsak83088: gyroscopes in a visor is all i can think of, but that would get players dizzy after a while I would think if used in that way
virgoGRGN: but what about vision? what about eye movement?
MarkKorsak83088: ok well, what about the feeling aspect, how would this work?
virgoGRGN: micheal vick knows the answer
virgoGRGN: *michael
MarkKorsak83088: ummmm
MarkKorsak83088: michael vick is the QB for the falcons
virgoGRGN: very good
MarkKorsak83088: so theres gonna be some kinda crazy football controller that will come bundled with Madden 07 and Mario Football? haha
virgoGRGN: no...
virgoGRGN: but the team...
virgoGRGN: the falcons...
MarkKorsak83088: hmmm pullin the cryptic message now lol, lets see well falcons are a bird like animal, how does that deal with "feeling"
MarkKorsak83088: they have very good eyesight
MarkKorsak83088: which deals with the "vision" aspect
virgoGRGN: google the falcon
MarkKorsak83088: oh iv heard of this
MarkKorsak83088: falcon northwest
virgoGRGN: no
virgoGRGN: vint
virgoGRGN: falcon
MarkKorsak83088: vint?
virgoGRGN: novint
MarkKorsak83088: the first two results i got was an adult site, and a computer company
MarkKorsak83088: oh yea, i remember that also lol
MarkKorsak83088: thats new technology though
MarkKorsak83088: not even mainstream released
virgoGRGN: not yet
MarkKorsak83088: how can nintendo use this for an affordable system
MarkKorsak83088: and itd be tough to translate game ports over well
MarkKorsak83088: and theres already been possession announced
MarkKorsak83088: which is also for PS3 and X360
virgoGRGN: maybe its not from that company?
MarkKorsak83088: ?
virgoGRGN: maybe...just maybe....its using the the revolution's controller?
virgoGRGN: touching is good
MarkKorsak83088: the game possession?
MarkKorsak83088: but feeling is better
virgoGRGN: but feeling is better
MarkKorsak83088: i kno iv heard the slogan lol
virgoGRGN: not the game.....but the idea
MarkKorsak83088: yea
MarkKorsak83088: but it couldnt translate other games well
MarkKorsak83088: unless its onyl an accessorie
MarkKorsak83088: accessory^
MarkKorsak83088: nintendo would loose tons of ppl if that with vision was a standalone controller
virgoGRGN: but maybe its in the controller....the feeling of weight.....
MarkKorsak83088: i kinda get it
MarkKorsak83088: well away from the topic of controller
MarkKorsak83088: how about launch titles
MarkKorsak83088: how many are we expectin here?
virgoGRGN: hmm.....there will be some you wont expect...
virgoGRGN: and there will be some that you know already...
MarkKorsak83088: yea always, im sure if you woulda asked about a year b4 the system, we wouldnt guess luigis mansion and super monkey ball
MarkKorsak83088: but like how many
MarkKorsak83088: in #
virgoGRGN: so...perhaps...15...20?
virgoGRGN: in the first month?
MarkKorsak83088: what about launch day?
virgoGRGN: the "great eight"
virgoGRGN: plus all of the downloadable titles
MarkKorsak83088: true, that accounts for a lot
MarkKorsak83088: do you have anything to say about all the others spreading rumors
MarkKorsak83088: like SeriousGamer
MarkKorsak83088: or Deeper_Throat
virgoGRGN: both were too far ahead of their time
MarkKorsak83088: whats that mean
MarkKorsak83088: they know information, but releasing too much now?
virgoGRGN: yes....and the leak had to be plugged
MarkKorsak83088: when will Nintendo release more info officially?
virgoGRGN: there is a lot of space in which it could be released...
MarkKorsak83088: spaceworld?
virgoGRGN: :-)
MarkKorsak83088: august if i am not mistaken then
virgoGRGN: get ready to say wow
MarkKorsak83088: i am indeed ready lol
MarkKorsak83088: about DS connectivity?
MarkKorsak83088: same as GC-GBA im assuming?
virgoGRGN: yes...but it will be more involved....not a gimmick....a real way to play
MarkKorsak83088: back to the topic of games
MarkKorsak83088: Miyamoto is obviously making new games
MarkKorsak83088: of even old franchises
MarkKorsak83088: will Miyamoto be making a new Pokemon game for the Revolution
MarkKorsak83088: seeing that Pokemon for Revolution was not talked about at the conference
virgoGRGN: yes...but it will be something new.....
MarkKorsak83088: so he is?
virgoGRGN: yes...not right away...but it will come
MarkKorsak83088: hmmm
MarkKorsak83088: thats interesting
MarkKorsak83088: considering Pokemon is one of the few popular Nintendo franchises that Miyamoto has not created and dosnt have anything to do with, although many seem to think he did make it
virgoGRGN: although you do know that he does technically "make" games for his new accessory?
virgoGRGN: he has a hand in the way the new controller is used?
MarkKorsak83088: Just because Miyamoto helped in making a controller, dosnt mean he takes over the games being made for it, like if 3rd parties want to use it, and will, hes not gonna go help them with making the games
MarkKorsak83088: game^
MarkKorsak83088: hes too busy with his own games
MarkKorsak83088: of Mario, Zelda, and Donkey Kong to name some
virgoGRGN: 3rd parties are different my friend...
virgoGRGN: but nintendo will seek his guidence
MarkKorsak83088: yea, so are 2nd parties
virgoGRGN: as a while
virgoGRGN: *whoole
MarkKorsak83088: what will the revolution specs be?
MarkKorsak83088: any idea
virgoGRGN: they have come out my need to ask me for them
MarkKorsak83088: who has let them out?
MarkKorsak83088: im trying to see if you agree with the ones seriousgamer has released
virgoGRGN: one question
virgoGRGN: do you trust me?
MarkKorsak83088: well its tough to trust all rumors out there, but of the ones floating, it is easier to believe more than others, and yours is more believeable than many others
MarkKorsak83088: so kinda yea
MarkKorsak83088: y?
virgoGRGN: because man....i just saw that you asked for this sn to IM you on the i made wasnt even registered a fraud...but i hope you can laugh about it....Leo's a fraud too....we're all just hopeless fans trying to make it all more interesting
virgoGRGN: leo doesnt even know how to spell shigeru's first name
virgoGRGN: so dont trust anything unless its from NOA
virgoGRGN: of NOJ
MarkKorsak83088: haha yea i figured
virgoGRGN: :-)
virgoGRGN: lol
virgoGRGN: anyway
MarkKorsak83088: i just said that to see where u were going with it
MarkKorsak83088: but i must admit tho
MarkKorsak83088: almost all of your responses were fast and prompt
MarkKorsak83088: but i had a feeling id get you with the ol pokemon question haha
virgoGRGN: yeah...cause you're the only one IMing me...
virgoGRGN: lol
virgoGRGN: its pretty easy when im only talking to one person
virgoGRGN: lol
virgoGRGN: but
virgoGRGN: leo is a fraud too
MarkKorsak83088: what is that exactly, the website with the decipher message thing?
virgoGRGN: its easy to run a msg through that site and have other people decypher it
virgoGRGN: its just something to hype some game
virgoGRGN: idk
virgoGRGN: lol
MarkKorsak83088: yea i kno, i didnt really believe that one at all
MarkKorsak83088: believe me, iv looked at the whole rumor thing in the other side b4, iv spread my own rumors
virgoGRGN: lol
MarkKorsak83088: seeing about peoples reactions
MarkKorsak83088: go to my blog
virgoGRGN: make sure the boards know that leo's a fake
MarkKorsak83088: i talk about it there
MarkKorsak83088: il make sure
MarkKorsak83088: how do u kno its a fake?
virgoGRGN: cause i dont even have a acct there
MarkKorsak83088: u made it?
virgoGRGN: cause....we were talking.....and he couldnt decide how to spell his own name
virgoGRGN: he kept switching betwee U and O
virgoGRGN: at the end
virgoGRGN: lol
MarkKorsak83088: lol
virgoGRGN: and i asked him about it
virgoGRGN: VIRGOGRGN: how do you spell your name?
LeoGRGN: haha, i told you already didnt I?
LeoGRGN: im not shigero
LeoGRGN: im doing his work
LeoGRGN: im his translator
LeoGRGN: not HIM?
VIRGOGRGN: i thought it was shigeru?
LeoGRGN: no
LeoGRGN: did i spell his name wrong or something?
LeoGRGN: hey i spelled it right didnt i?
LeoGRGN: well i dont care im doing what he told me to do
MarkKorsak83088: haha thats pretty funny
virgoGRGN: so anyway...i hope you had fun
virgoGRGN: cause it was fun for me
virgoGRGN: lol
virgoGRGN: sry to lead you on like that
MarkKorsak83088: yup, thanks for the ol rumor talk lol
MarkKorsak83088: na its ok lol
virgoGRGN: yes sir
virgoGRGN: lol
MarkKorsak83088: i love following rumors
MarkKorsak83088: any of em
MarkKorsak83088: fake or not
virgoGRGN: me too
virgoGRGN: its great
virgoGRGN: cause you never know if its true or not
MarkKorsak83088: plus, it gives me some content for my blog lol
virgoGRGN: lol
MarkKorsak83088: yup, thats why i never deem anything true or false until it is proven
MarkKorsak83088: or it is just way too out of proportion
MarkKorsak83088: lol
virgoGRGN: yeah
virgoGRGN: lol
MarkKorsak83088: but that michael vick cryptic type message was good, il give you that
virgoGRGN: lol
virgoGRGN: thanks
MarkKorsak83088: mine was the ol Neptune has the answer
MarkKorsak83088: Neptune - 8th planet - 8th month, planets are in space, spaceworld in august
virgoGRGN: awesome
virgoGRGN: lol
MarkKorsak83088: lol

Nothing else really came out of the convo. So he was fake, Leo is fake, but it was fun while it lasted. The whole falcon novint was too out there I thought, it'd be way to much money for that technology in a controller, so thats when I decided to through the ol' Miyamoto Pokemon question lol, gets everyone everytime.

Getting Right Down To The Information

Here I have a Following Revolution exclusive!
Evidentally someone on AIM by the name of VIRGOGRGN is IM'ing people from the Nintendo Forums. I was able to get my own shot at a conversation with him and here it is:
Its long so Im gonna post what has happened so far: (The chat is still in progress)

VIRGOGRGN: the revolution is coming...
MarkKorsak83088: whos this? someone from the forums?
VIRGOGRGN: my name is virgo
MarkKorsak83088: are you working with nintendo? a 3rd part company?
MarkKorsak83088: like what are your sources
VIRGOGRGN: i work for the revolution
MarkKorsak83088: meaning the department in Nintendo who is creating the new system?
MarkKorsak83088: or a fan of the Revolution pushing its popularity to prosper amongst the next systems?
VIRGOGRGN: maybe both....maybe now the lines are blurred
MarkKorsak83088: well what do you know about the Revolution?
VIRGOGRGN: here's a better question...what do you want to know about the revolution?
MarkKorsak83088: Price
VIRGOGRGN: price has not yet been decided, my friend....for we are still a year from the revolution truely coming
MarkKorsak83088: Any estimate on the release date? Perhaps March 2006 is correct?
VIRGOGRGN: perhaps
MarkKorsak83088: well to your knowledge, what is the release date?
VIRGOGRGN: after the PS3 for sure...but other than that....i cant say
MarkKorsak83088: How much different will the final Revolution look from the prototype shown at E3? And about how much smaller/lighter?
VIRGOGRGN: smaller...easy to carry around...
MarkKorsak83088: Maybe with a handle like the GameCube? or keeping with the box look
MarkKorsak83088: hello?
virgoGRGN: no way
MarkKorsak83088: haha, good
MarkKorsak83088: any information on what Miyamoto's new franchise will be?
MarkKorsak83088: or any new franchise by Nintendo?
virgoGRGN: a game about life...
MarkKorsak83088: a clone of another game? like The Sims, or Spore? or some crazy original Miyamoto thing
virgoGRGN: what do you think he would do?
MarkKorsak83088: crazy original lol
MarkKorsak83088: now it was told at the E3 PC that "he is challenging his team to create something brand new, his newest creation is set to debut with Revolution." Does this refer to the new game franchise? Or something like an acessory, perhaps a visor?
MarkKorsak83088: he as in being Miyamoto
virgoGRGN: perhaps an accessory for a new type of game?
MarkKorsak83088: like a visor?
MarkKorsak83088: or in other words, will there be a visor with the system?
virgoGRGN: maybe...or maybe something to get the feeling of the game?
MarkKorsak83088: with haptic feedback technology?
MarkKorsak83088: or will the haptic feedback be his creation, but there will also be a visor/helmet, some kind of viewing device on your head
virgoGRGN: maybe something like that....but maybe something no one has thought of
MarkKorsak83088: what about Nintendo ON? Did Nintendo create it? It seems way too professional
MarkKorsak83088: no one could recreate the castle/camera views without the lakitu in the way, and follow the camera further
MarkKorsak83088: you cant hack a rom to get that
MarkKorsak83088: and Nintendo could have it on file from the creation of Mario 64
virgoGRGN: it is very professional...
MarkKorsak83088: I dont see how it is possible for a single person, no matter how skilled, could do it in a matter of a week
MarkKorsak83088: Is it part of the N-Game?
virgoGRGN: perhaps
MarkKorsak83088: Is Aries real?
MarkKorsak83088: whether he is Reggie, or someone else from the inside
virgoGRGN: he is real..but all that he says may not be
MarkKorsak83088: now you seem to say perhaps or wiggle your way around the answers of questions. I am in no way doubting you, but what do you know is real that has not already been officially announced?
virgoGRGN: the controller...will be two parts..but not in the way everyone thinks
MarkKorsak83088: how will it be two parts?
virgoGRGN: think about part part feeling...
MarkKorsak83088: well then weres the one part controlling? I could understand 2 parts as in controller and visor
MarkKorsak83088: but vision is in all system, and is not a controller
MarkKorsak83088: you cant control with your eyes
virgoGRGN: but with your head?
MarkKorsak83088: gyroscopes in a visor is all i can think of, but that would get players dizzy after a while I would think if used in that way
virgoGRGN: but what about vision? what about eye movement?
MarkKorsak83088: ok well, what about the feeling aspect, how would this work?
virgoGRGN: micheal vick knows the answer
virgoGRGN: *michael
MarkKorsak83088: ummmm
MarkKorsak83088: michael vick is the QB for the falcons
virgoGRGN: very good
MarkKorsak83088: so theres gonna be some kinda crazy football controller that will come bundled with Madden 07 and Mario Football? haha
virgoGRGN: no...
virgoGRGN: but the team...
virgoGRGN: the falcons...
MarkKorsak83088: hmmm pullin the cryptic message now lol, lets see well falcons are a bird like animal, how does that deal with "feeling"
MarkKorsak83088: they have very good eyesight
MarkKorsak83088: which deals with the "vision" aspect
virgoGRGN: google the falcon
MarkKorsak83088: oh iv heard of this
MarkKorsak83088: falcon northwest
virgoGRGN: no
virgoGRGN: vint
virgoGRGN: falcon
MarkKorsak83088: vint?
virgoGRGN: novint
MarkKorsak83088: the first two results i got was an adult site, and a computer company
MarkKorsak83088: oh yea, i remember that also lol
MarkKorsak83088: thats new technology though
MarkKorsak83088: not even mainstream released
virgoGRGN: not yet
MarkKorsak83088: how can nintendo use this for an affordable system
MarkKorsak83088: and itd be tough to translate game ports over well
MarkKorsak83088: and theres already been possession announced
MarkKorsak83088: which is also for PS3 and X360
virgoGRGN: maybe its not from that company?
MarkKorsak83088: ?
virgoGRGN: maybe...just maybe....its using the the revolution's controller?
virgoGRGN: touching is good
MarkKorsak83088: the game possession?
MarkKorsak83088: but feeling is better
virgoGRGN: but feeling is better
MarkKorsak83088: i kno iv heard the slogan lol
virgoGRGN: not the game.....but the idea
MarkKorsak83088: yea
MarkKorsak83088: but it couldnt translate other games well
MarkKorsak83088: unless its onyl an accessorie
MarkKorsak83088: accessory^
MarkKorsak83088: nintendo would loose tons of ppl if that with vision was a standalone controller

It's Time To Admit

Well it's time for me to admit that I had decided to do a little "experiment." Please notice that I am not doing trying to stir up craziness, cause mass hysteria, or make a mass-following. With the amazing coming of fake Revolution rumors, I decided to see the "gullibility" of people (if that is even a word lol). For a while there had been an explosion in "Revolution Ads" circling the net. Then there was also the whole Deeper_Throat thing. Now instead of creating my own thing, I decided to follow others and took a shot of it myself. Remember Revolution Ad 8 on Revolution Rumors? Well I created it. I started the spread on Nintendo Forums, saying it was sent to me by a It wasn't, in fact, I was I wanted to start a Deeper_Throat type crytptic message thing seeing how many people I could get to believe. My plan went wrong at one part though. Don't ask how or why, but after emailing one person from the Nintendo Forums, my yahoo email account was shut down... I have no clue why, but it was. I even made the email seeing if you could link it to me. You might have seen me on the net at other places, whether it be on AIM or on G4 forums. Many times I go by the name ElChibo, like I am now. I made a game named Adventure Saga that I spread in those areas which contained a character named Mysterio. The digits 729. Well move one number right on your keyboard for each number. You get 830, part of the 83088 seen in my Nintendo Forums screen name. I had created the ad in Paint Shop Pro, creating it completely by free hand, because all previous ads werent of as good quality. I then printed it out, took a picture with my cell phone camera, and spread it. Surprisingly, it made it onto Revolution Rumors in 7 minutes after posting it on Nintendo Forums, and I didn't even tell RR about it. I have the original high-res form of the ad originally made in Paint Shop Pro, and the non-cropped cell phone image taken, which shows a little bit more on the left and right where you could see the top of a storage bin which the ad was sitting on when I took the picture haha.
I hope no one is angry or offended for me doing this. I myself even believe many rumors, I believed Deeper_Throat, SeriousGamer, Aries, and some of the earlier ads, to a certain extent. This just shows that, don't believe everything you see. But of anything, if you must take some more serious than others, than choose original leaks of information. My "leaked" information was only copying Deeper_Throat and previous Revolution ads. The fakers out there arent likely to be orginal.

SeriousGamer Is At It Again

Well now he had his own blog.
Someone could have easily made this in making fun of him, but its also restating the information he has tried to spread. He says this about the system:

Quad Core 2.7 ghz Power 5 processor developed by IBM and NEC
512 Megabits of Ram developed by MOSYS and NEC
Dual Core ATI Graphics Card
Visor - Concept from Emagin
Stereoscopic 3D- Technology investment with NASA
Gyroscopic Tilt Controller with Touch Screen. Developed with Gyration

Launch Price: $249.00 Base
Price with Metroid Bundle which includes visor and 1 controller: $349.00
Launch Date: March 01, 2006

Now I actually believe every bit of this, except the Stereoscopic 3D. This was not said last time he "released" this information. I'm not sure about this, I'm not saying I downright don't believe it, but it could be used with the visor or something, which I do believe in. Believe it or not, we'll know everything sometime this year, and this is documented here to know if it's right or not.

Metroid Prime 3 Preview Clip

Seems as if theres some controversy over the preview clip shown at E3 PC of Metroid Prime 3. People were worrying, wondering if this was the Revs graphics. Well if they havnt shown off anything, then how could that be it? Those are easily GameCube graphics, as it's now being told that it was running on a GameCube. It was just supposed to hype the audience, and show Samus' cool new ship model. I know Revolution graphics will be better than that, for I will go "wow."

Follow-Up On The Last Post

Hossam also had posted some weird message with his post of the website:
I had no clue what this was, but it turns out that there is a site out there called that can encrypt and decipher messages, and this is a dechipherable message through that site. The translation reads:

There is also another encrypted message on the site link given:

This messages decrypted says:

Again, Im not sure what to think of this. The first message seems to confirm that Aries is real... And who knows? If I am not mistaken Aries was mistaken about some things, but did predict things like the downloadable old game library, which no ordinary person could simply guess. The second seems to be some games avaible for the Revolution. Spiderman 4? What ever happened to Spiderman 3? The movies not even out so that means the game would be in the next generation era. Killer 19? Sounds like a cheap sequel name but who knows.

Sorry for taking so long to get the information, but it takes time to do these translation.

Interesting New Site

Hossam on the Nintendo Forums site was evidentally sent an IM to spread the following site saying that he was the most loyal to Aries.
The site is:

I'm not sure what to think of this one, lets wait until it gets bigger.

The First Bit Of Information I'll Post

Seeing that this is my first information post, I decided that I'll first post all that we do know about the Revolution so far.
All information contained in this post is confirmed and real unless otherwise stated.
-The console is not officially named "Revolution," as "Revolution" is only a codename for the system
-The Nintendo Revolution is set for launch sometime in 2006.
-Nintendo has said that because of their loss of launching the GameCube after the Playstation 2, that they are trying to be able to release their system before Sony's next console, the Playstation 3, which is set for a release in Spring 2006.
-The system will be just a little larger than three DVD cases stacked together.
-The system shown off at the E3 Press Conference was only a prototype, and will be smaller and lighter upon release.
-The system will feature free online play for atleast Nintendo first-party games.
-The Revolution will allow you to download games from NES, SNES, and N64 that will be able to be played on the Revolution. No cost plans have been yet announced.
-The system will use a single slot-loading drive that will accept GameCube discs, along with the Revolutions new 12cm propiatery disc format.
-The system will use wireless controllers, and for GameCube games, it has 4 controller ports along with 2 memory card slots located on the side of the system.
-The system features 512mb of flash memory for game saves and downloads, and there are 2 SD card memory slots in the front for more memory.
-The Revolution has 2 USB2.0 ports. What will use them is not yet known.
-The system can play horizontally or vertically, and there is a stand for verticle.
-It was said originally that the Revolution will be about two to three times greater in power than GameCube, but it was later confirmed by Iwata that the statement was false. Iwata has also said that when you see the graphics, you will go "wow."
-A new Super Smash Bros., a new Zelda, and also a new Mario game have been announced for the Revolution.
-The new Super Smash Bros. will be online-enabled and is trying to be finished in time to be a launch title.
-A new Donkey Kong, and a Animal Crossing game will also be seen on the system.
-Square-Enix is making a new game for the system.
-Blitz Games has announced a new game called "Possession" for the Revolution, along with being for the PS3 and X360.
-The controller has not yet been revealed, and the only hint we have is told by Reggie being that, how could we effectilvely play NES, SNES, and N64 games on it?
-The controller has been shown to some third-party companies, and the response is great and enthusiastic.
-Nintendo is working with Broadcom for wireless technologies in the system.
-The system will be able to connect to a PC monitor.
-By the end of the year, we will know everything about the Revolution.


Welcome to the new blog. Here I will be doing all I can to track down and cover every piece of Revolution information. Some will be real, some will be rumor, but I will make sure to make it clear on what is real. I am in no way doing business with Nintendo, I am only another Nintendo fan like the rest of you excited about the Revolution. I am not biased torward Nintendo, because in my opinion, all of the next generation systems look amazing. If something big is announced for another system, I'll post about it, because after all the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 do need to receieve some attention, I just will be focusing mainly on the Revolution. I hope to have a sucessful blog in providing you with all of the best Nintendo related news possible.
For those of you on the Nintendo Forums, you'll know me as MarkKorsak83088.